Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Members who are part of our history--Jim C

Bob M--"Jim C--- could carry the message like nobody I've ever seen."

Paul W--Jim sponsored a lot of people, including him, and never told him what to do.  Also, he told Paul that when he drove, he imagined God was riding in the seat next to him.  

When Jerry H was considering whether or not to try and start a meeting in Mt. Vernon, Jim told him "if the good Lord" wanted the meeting to succeed, then it would.  (Jerry H)

Therese B-A--Jim told her she was "an asset" wherever she went


In his leads, he'd say:
"Don't walk behind me, I may not lead.
Don't walk in front of me, I may not follow.
Walk beside me."

"Yet."--when people would say things that hadn't happened to them because of drinking

"You want a little cheese with that whine?"

"Don't drink no matter what!  Even if your ass falls off, pick it up and bring it to a meeting!"

He passed on October 16, 1998.  (from the memorial scrapbook in the Old Stone club room)