History of the Hog Roast
In the year 2000 the Southwestern Indiana Central Office was in dire financial shape. The idea was put forth to have some type of fundraiser to help keep the office open. Thus, the beginning!
The first hog roast in 2001 was held at the lakeside shelter as you enter the park. It was a huge success! It has grown in attendance and been geared toward a family fun day for the children of alcoholics.
This growth now requires numerous volunteers and a major committment for its continued success! Its current location at the discovery lodge is the only one large enough to accomodate the number of attendees and events.
From the onset we have done our best to adhere to the twelve traditions. This includes anonymity, attraction rather than promotion and seventh tradition concerns. Sometimes the lines get blurred when as a committee we plan and execute events. Thankfully, we have these traditions as guideposts to keep or get us back to our primary purpose!
When we as a committee, we dispense any profits, we must consider all the traditions and any unintended consequences that may arise by not following them! As the ccommittee rotates each year with new members the experience gained needs to be passed along.
I was asked by our chairperson about a letter being distributed by mailer listing the hogroast as a financial donor. This could be construed as an endoresment to an outside enterprize. This could also jeopardize us in the future.
The sole purpose of the hogroast was to support the AA central office and its activities of carrying the message. The central office's 501c3 status allows for the annual hogroast to be held legally. Any raffle tickets and admittance tickets should be stamped in support of the southwestern indiana central office.
GSO, area 23 southern Indiana, districts 12 and 14, old timers dinner along with the central office are entities that meet the criteria within the non-profit scope of the central office. I am not a lawyer, although we have sought and received legal advice in the past!
Mike W, trusted servant